LIL is a Language Make games, nicely


The app object is the heart of your application. It provides the storage for the ECS architecture and stuff like movement or the selection system.

The file std/app.lil defines a global variable called app. You can call methods on it directly, but usually it is changed indirectly, through classes such as @container or @sprite.

Example code

//you wouldn't usually do this, it is just an example
	nameId: app.registerName(`mytestobj`);
	parentId: 0

Member variables

  • selectables

    Type: var.[2048 x @selectable]

    Each item in the ECS corresponds to one selectable of this array.

    var sel: pointerTo app.selectables[entityId];
  • boxPositions

    Type: var.[2048 x @pos]

    Position storage for boxes (containers).

    app.boxPositions[i].x +: ((app.boxVelocities[i].x => f64) * dt) => f32;
  • boxVelocities

    Type: var.[2048 x @vel]

    Storage for the velocities of boxes.

    app.boxVelocities[@self.componentId]: value;
  • box2ds

    Type: var.[2048 x @box2d]

    The data of the 2d boxes is stored in this static array.

    var bgColor: app.box2ds[0].bgColor;
  • boxCount

    Type: var.i64

    The amount of 2d boxes that are currently in use.

    vertexCount: app.boxCount * 6;
  • imgPositions

    Type: var.[2048 x @pos]

    Position storage for images.

    app.imgPositions[@self.componentId].x: value;
  • imgVelocities

    Type: var.[2048 x @vel]

    The velocities of the images are stored in this static array.

    app.imgPositions[i].x +: ((app.imgVelocities[i].x => f64) * dt) => f32;
  • imgClips

    Type: var.[2048 x @pos2d]

    Storage for clipping data of @sprite objects.

    var clip: app.imgClips[i];
  • imgs

    Type: var.[2048 x @img]

    Image data such as width and height are stored in this static array.

    app.imgs[imgId].textureWidth: width;
  • imgCount

    Type: var.i64

    The amount of images that are currently in use.

    var.i64 bufferSize: (sizeOf(type @vertex) * 6 * app.imgCount);
  • shapes

    Type: var.[2048 x @shapeData]

    Storage for vector shape data.

    var shape: pointerTo app.shapes[i];
  • shapesCount

    Type: var.i64

    The amount of vector shapes that are currently in use.

    for (var.i64 i:0; i<app.shapesCount; i+:1) {
  • colliderIds

    Type: var.[2048 x i64]

    This is currently unused

  • colliders

    Type: var.[32 x @collider]

    This is currently unused

  • names

    Type: var.[32 x ptr(i8)]

    Storage for names that have been given a name id.

    @self.names[currentCount]: name;
  • nameCount

    Type: var.i64

    The amount of names that are currently in use.

    @self.nameCount +: 1;
  • typeCount

    Type: var.i64

    The amount of types of objects that are currently in use.

    var currentCount: @self.typeCount;
  • resourceIds

    Type: var.[2048 x i64]

    Storage for the ids of resources.

    var resId: app.resourceIds[id];
  • resources

    Type: var.[2048 x @resource]

    Data of resources are stored in this static array.

    return pointerTo app.resources[resId];
  • resourceCount

    Type: var.i64

    The amount of resources that are currently in use.

    @self.resourceIds[@self.resourceCount]: id;
  • actions

    Type: var.[2048 x @action]

    Action data is stored in this static array.

    var action: app.actions[i];
  • actionCount

    Type: var.i64

    The amount of actions that are currently in use.

    var currentCount: @self.actionCount;

Member functions

  • initialize

    Type: fn

    Sets up the background color and mouse listener

  • newEntity

    Type: fn => i64

    Bumps the current entity count by one and returns the new entity id

    var newId: app.newEntity();
  • newType

    Type: fn => i64

    Bumps the current type count by one and returns the new type id

    var newTypeId: app.newType();
  • registerName

    Type: fn(ptr(i8)) => i64

    For each unique string passed in to this function it returns a corresponding id.

    • var.ptr(i8) name:

      The C string containing the name to be identified.

    var.i64 nameId: @self.registerName(name);
  • getName

    Type: fn(i64) => ptr(i8)

    Returns the name at given id.

    • var.i64 id:

      The number that was previously handed out by the registerName method.